Pregnancy Scanning
You’ll get to experience a non-invasive scan in the comfort of your own home. No shaving required regardless of the coat length or type, which is a huge advantage for show dogs and any dogs with groomer-phobias.
I will provide a snap shot of her current pregnancy status and show you the highlights on the ultrasound screen. Check out the short example in the video below. Some would say the experience is more emotional than seeing the latest blockbuster at the cinema!
I will provide a snap shot of her current pregnancy status and show you the highlights on the ultrasound screen. Check out the short example in the video below. Some would say the experience is more emotional than seeing the latest blockbuster at the cinema!
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Sign up today to download your complimentary "Dog Owner's Guide to Responsible Breeding"—an invaluable resource tailored for dog owners at all experience levels. This guide features 3 dedicated pages on ‘The 5 Keys to Ensure the Perfect Pregnancy Scan for Your Pooch’, offering you crucial tips to achieve accurate and stress-free results.
You’ll also find insights into my Three Pillar Signature System, a Dog Breeder Knowledge Checker to assess your expertise, a Whelping Wish List bonus to prepare for every step, and an invitation to join the exclusive Puppy Care Club. |
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